People often ask product liability lawyers like me whether they are limited to worker's compensation benefits if they are injured by dangerous or defective products at work. The answer is usually "no." The law in most states, including Minnesota, does allow both avenues of recovery. My firm does not handle worker's compensation cases, but we partner with smart, tough worker's compensation lawyers who do.
For example, I am handling the product liability portion of the case involving the product shown above. A young man working for a tree service was injured at work when the flywheel on a stump grinder pictured above expoloded. The pieces of the flywheel flew into his hand, causing permanent injuries and loss of function.
So what can a product liability lawyer do for people who also have a right to worker's compensation benefits? Worker's compensation typically pays for medical expenses and a percentage of an injured person's wage loss. But people who have been injured at work often go through a great deal of pain and suffering. And these injury victims often simply can't do the things they did before the accident. A product liability suit is generally directed towards recovering non-economic damages for things like pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, etc.
If you have been injured by a defective product at work, you need attorneys who will protect your rights in both the worker's compensation and product liability claims. Call the product liability attorneys at Champion Law for a free consultation at 651.766.5886 or visit us on the web.