Most seatbelts are properly designed and manufactured and do a wonderful job of protecting people in crashes. In fact, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration estimates seatbelts save 10,000 American lives every year. Further, The Minnesota Seat Belt Coalition has estimated that the new law will prevent as many as 30 deaths and 400 life-changing injuries a year and save millions of dollars in medical expenses. So buckle up and make sure that everyone else in your vehicle has done the same.
Unfortunately, not all seatbelts are properly designed and manfuctured. Seatbelt defects can lead to tearing of the belt's webbing or the buckle unlatching during a crash, leaving you and your loved ones unprotected. If you have questions about the safety of the seatbelts in your vehicle, contact Minnesota seatbelt attorney, Nate Bjerke of Champion Law by visiting our web-site or calling 651.766.5886.
For more information on Minnesota's new seatbelt law, follow these links: